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Myofascial Release + Foam Rolling for Caregivers

Aches and discomfort are a part of our daily lives and sometimes compounded by baby care and the postpartum journey. Myofascial release is a form of massage therapy that helps to release tension associated with myofascial tissue. When this tissue tightens, self-myofascial release can help the body to release the tension and provide pain relief without medication.

Foam rolling and self-myofascial release has been linked to improved functioning of the cardiovascular system and the autonomic nervous system - relaxing muscles and improving circulation. Foam rolling is well known in the workout world for improving mobility, decreasing soreness, and more. In this workshop we will focus on improving range of motion, eliminating pain, downregulating the nervous system and preparing the body for optimum daily functionality. Alexa will teach you to properly and safely use self-massage techniques.

Through this workshop, you’ll become your own best resource to prevent and alleviate prenatal pain. Assists your body’s functionality and health as you explore self-massage techniques you can incorporate into your busy daily life.

*You don't have to be postpartum to take this workshop! We will be focusing on areas often impacted by caring for baby and young children.

*Included in the price of the workshop is you own personal pair of therapy balls!

July 29

Myofascial Release + Foam Rolling for Pregnancy

September 12

The Birth Story Sharing Circle